Sunday, November 29, 2009


Being an Anarchist, people often try and make me feel guilty about the troops. "You don't support the troops?" "Don't you appreciate how many people have died to give you your freedom?" "How can you hate this country when there are people out therer giving up their lives to protect you?" The list of questions seems to go on forever, all of them accusing me of being a terrible person simply because of my anti-state philosophies. So I spent this thanksgiving thinking about the troops, and how they're putting themselves in danger. After mulling it over for a bit, I think I have come up with a good answer to all the questions nationalists have been throwing at me.

When you ask a person in the military why they joined, what response do you think you'll get? How often do you think somebody says, "I joined the military to protect your rights and freedoms"? I can almost guarantee that nobody joind the military for that reason (with a few possible exceptions). People don't put themselves in danger for lofty idealistic reasons like that. They joined because they needed the money, or they wanted the government to pay for their college, or they wanted to get some direction in their lives. A person killed in Iraq wasn't fighting for our freedom; they were fighting for their own selfish goals. They put themselves in danger to try and get a free ride through college, or because they were bored and wanted to shoot some guns. I know at least three people off the top of my head who all joined the military thinking it would be like the game counter strike, and they wanted that kind of excitement.

So, do I support the troops? Yes, I support them. I want them to live and come home soon. However I have no obligation to this country simply because we have military personnel who are in danger.

Agree or disagree, please comment. I like discussing stuff so please make rebuttals.

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